Friday, July 4, 2008

mother's voice

My name, I hear it
someone is calling me
from within my sleep
that voice, mother's
I awake in a panic
I run toward the voice
still half asleep, I run
she needs help
I run

I already know
It's just us in house
he's already gone
it's to late
I already know
but I run

I find her voice
she knells next to him
her voice calm and cracking
as she speaks to someone
Help on the line
she pushes on his chest
her voice screaming and begging
Please please
Her voice breaking
Her heart follows

I stand stunned
nothing i can do
nothing to save him
nothing to help her
he's already gone
here they come
to take him away

Just me and her
as we return home
the house is empty
without him
Her cry breaks the silence
echoes through
through the empty

In the garden we sit
"when will it be okay?"
she ask frightfully
it will never be okay
but we'll be okay
she sighs

Her voice, her cries
they still echo
in my head
I can only see flashes
but her voice rings clear
mother's voice
the day her love died

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