Tuesday, December 29, 2009


my heart, it's filled with doubt
this pain, it resides in me
this thirst, it craves nothing good

these things can not be reasoned with
they can not be told to be quiet
no philosophy or words can heal

A miricle, only this can calm my soul
My God, he knew this
This child, he came for me

And no distance was to far for love
For God came to walk with me
and only this can change my heart

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Each day i give the enemy ground
the evil one has a way to enter
however the Lord leads me
He intrusts me in this battle
He has given me the weapons
The tools in the war I need to win
To live I must stand firm in Him
So, I embrace the mystery
of having the faith of a child
and fighting as a man of God

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I walk in
eyes still tired
from the night before

this small room
it's full of ghosts
some kind, some haunting

I'm surrounded
alone but cornered
in a world I've created

ghost of the past
the ones I hold dear
and treasure for always

ghost in the dark
ones I can never forget
no matter how much I try

day comes
and fate awaits me
they stand still as do I

waiting for me
the ghosts hang in time
just like shirts in a closet

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

eric's useless thoughts for jan 14, 2009

eric's useless thoughts for jan 14, 2009
-they should rerun 'you can't do that on television'
-Seth rogen should do a courtroom drama
-we should start calling phones "the horn" again
-bill nye should do a new show of science experiments for people in thier mid-20's
-they should make a reality show about network execs trying to find ways to make the cheapest reality shows with the biggest returns.
-or a reality show about people obsessed with reality tv. call it 'american idle'

the air is thin

the air is thin
it barely satisfies
I can still taste you
where have you gone

I walk alone
hands in pockets
watching my breath
ghosts in the night

the world is cold
it steals you from me
it doesn't feel
it just keeps going

Friday, January 2, 2009

winter window's

the window pain
so cold to touch
i watch and i wait

the winter cold
it freezes my heart
no hurt can escape

you left in the cold
and as it returns
i hope you will as well

the snow is falling
washing the world
stealing the color

the circle of fog
where i breathe alone
blurs my view

all i see is white
i close my eyes
all i see is you

in the darkness

in the darkness
it shines so dimly
yet light spills

in a dark world
your heart glows
fights the blackness
with love

midst the doubt
your whisper
calms my heart
with hope

the dark retreats
the light spreads
saving grace